

19_PSA_107_029.MP370 K19_PSA_107_029_He_maketh_the_storm_a_calm_so_that_the_waves_thereof_are_still.mp370 K32_JON_01_11.MP3137 K32_JON_01_11_Then_said_they_unto_him_What_shall_we_do_unto_thee_that_the_sea_may_be_calm_unto_us_for_the_sea_wrought_and_was_tempestuous.mp3137 K
32_JON_01_12.MP3178 K32_JON_01_12_And_he_said_unto_them_Take_me_up_and_cast_me_forth_into_the_sea_so_shall_the_sea_be_calm_unto_you_for_I_know_that_for_my_sake_this_great_tempest_is_upon_you.mp3178 K40_MAT_08_26.MP3162 K40_MAT_08_26_And_he_saith_unto_them_Why_are_ye_fearful_O_ye_of_little_faith_Then_he_arose_and_rebuked_the_winds_and_the_sea_and_there_was_a_great_calm.mp3162 K
41_MAR_04_39.MP3167 K41_MAR_04_39_And_he_arose_and_rebuked_the_wind_and_said_unto_the_sea_Peace_be_still_And_the_wind_ceased_and_there_was_a_great_calm.mp3167 K42_LUK_08_24.MP3186 K42_LUK_08_24_And_they_came_to_him_and_awoke_him_saying_Master_master_we_perish_Then_he_arose_and_rebuked_the_wind_and_the_raging_of_the_water_and_they_ceased_and_there_was_a_calm.mp3186 K
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© Ray Hamilton, ©Praise Inc. On audio recordings