

43_JOH_11_50.MP3116 K43_JOH_11_50_Nor_consider_that_it_is_expedient_for_us_that_one_man_should_die_for_the_people_and_that_the_whole_nation_perish_not.mp3116 K43_JOH_16_07.MP3201 K43_JOH_16_07_Nevertheless_I_tell_you_the_truth_It_is_expedient_for_you_that_I_go_away_for_if_I_go_not_away_the_Comforter_will_not_come_unto_you_but_if_I_depart_I_will_send_him_unto_you.mp3201 K
43_JOH_18_14.MP3124 K43_JOH_18_14_Now_Caiaphas_was_he_which_gave_counsel_to_the_Jews_that_it_was_expedient_that_one_man_should_die_for_the_people.mp3124 K46_1CO_06_12.MP3154 K46_1CO_06_12_All_things_are_lawful_unto_me_but_all_things_are_not_expedient_all_things_are_lawful_for_me_but_I_will_not_be_brought_under_the_power_of_any.mp3154 K
46_1CO_10_23.MP3114 K46_1CO_10_23_All_things_are_lawful_for_me_but_all_things_are_not_expedient_all_things_are_lawful_for_me_but_all_things_edify_not.mp3114 K47_2CO_08_10.MP3142 K47_2CO_08_10_And_herein_I_give_my_advice_for_this_is_expedient_for_you_who_have_begun_before_not_only_to_do_but_also_to_be_forward_a_year_ago.mp3142 K
47_2CO_12_01.MP3128 K47_2CO_12_01_It_is_not_expedient_for_me_doubtless_to_glory_I_will_come_to_visions_and_revelations_of_the_Lord.mp3128 Kright.html28 K

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© Ray Hamilton, ©Praise Inc. On audio recordings