

19_PSA_109_023.MP392 K19_PSA_109_023_I_am_gone_like_the_shadow_when_it_declineth_I_am_tossed_up_and_down_as_the_locust.mp392 K20_PRO_21_06.MP3104 K20_PRO_21_06_The_getting_of_treasures_by_a_lying_tongue_is_a_vanity_tossed_to_and_fro_of_them_that_seek_death.mp3104 K
23_ISA_54_11.MP3170 K23_ISA_54_11_O_thou_afflicted_tossed_with_tempest_and_not_comforted_behold_I_will_lay_thy_stones_with_fair_colours_and_lay_thy_foundations_with_sapphires.mp3170 K40_MAT_14_24.MP385 K40_MAT_14_24_But_the_ship_was_now_in_the_midst_of_the_sea_tossed_with_waves_for_the_wind_was_contrary.mp385 K
44_ACT_27_18.MP384 K44_ACT_27_18_And_we_being_exceedingly_tossed_with_a_tempest_the_next_day_they_lightened_the_ship.mp384 K49_EPH_04_14.MP3175 K49_EPH_04_14_That_we_henceforth_be_no_more_children_tossed_to_and_fro_and_carried_about_with_every_wind_of_doctrine_by_the_sleight_of_men_and_cunning_craftiness_whereby_they_lie_in_wait_to_deceive.mp3175 K
59_JAM_01_06.MP3128 K59_JAM_01_06_But_let_him_ask_in_faith_nothing_wavering_For_he_that_wavereth_is_like_a_wave_of_the_sea_driven_with_the_wind_and_tossed.mp3128 Kright.html28 K

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© Ray Hamilton, ©Praise Inc. On audio recordings